About the Blog

We are a couple of youths (no longer teenagers but not quite adults) who are preparing to make our way through Europe in the next 3 1/2 months. This blog will serve as a way to share our stories and reflect as we move along.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 2 London

Well we both woke up nice and early this morning at 12:45 AM london time. We were in sheer panic that morning was before us and that we had overslept our alarms. Amanda was able to get back to sleep shortly thereafter but I (Gabe) was not so fortunate. I stayed up reading Enders Game until about 3 in the morning at which point I flipped over to get more comfortable and fell asleep with the book in my hands.

Once we both woke up for the second time at 7:00 AM we got ready for the day. Our hostel offered a breakfast of toast, oatmeal, and instant coffee. After our leisurely breakfast we walked to Tescos again and picked up a pack of tangerines, hummus, and naan to go with our leftover carrots and took off in the direction of the river once more. We ended up touring some really cool sights that weren't expected.

We have been utilizing an awesome app that Gabe added to his iphone through tripadvisor that can be activated without accessing the internet. This particular trip took us to the Golden Hind, a replica of Sir Francis Drakes ship previously known as the Pelican. This particular type of ship is known as a galleon (oh hey Harry Potter!) and was the only one of five to return from its voyage.

Right around the corner from the Golden Hind was the imposing Southwark Cathedral.

This Cathedral west facing wall is a black stone with a little bit of white trim around the windows and edges. Once you go through the fence on the right side you enter the grounds and the design takes a turn incorporating more white stone and taller windows. 

Finally when you enter the cathedral everything is a very light color really taking full advantage of all light coming through the windows. Unfortunately we were not able to take pictures inside so you're imagination will have to do. 

A short while down we came to the London Bridge. It really is not as impressive as some would think it to be and after the cathedral it was a bit of a let down. 

A short walk east took us to Tower Bridge, which makes up for the lackluster of London Bridge many times over.

 Gabe and I (Amanda) took the opportunity to climb us to the top of the bridge and look over the Thames. 

The architecture was beautiful and I am really glad we took the time to pause, admire, and take in the scenery. 

We exited the Tower Bridge on the north side of the Thames and found unexpected but very much appreciated views of the Tower of London. We plan on an early wake up so we can be the first in line to explore the rest of the Tower tomorrow. 

We caught the tube after a quick bite to eat and relocated to Trafalgar Square. We were met with a HUGE crowd of people all there to watch a reenactment of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in honor of Good Friday/Easter. We have seen Trafalgar Square busy but never like this.

We led ourselves into the National Gallery and it was really spectacular. 

We were overwhelmed with the display of art available on hand and with how close you could come to it. You could literally reach your hand out and touch these magnificent paintings (though you would most likely be immediately taken into custody and in very big trouble) but that should give you a sense of how personal and interactive it felt to be there. We lament the fact that we were not allowed to take any photos of our favorites. Amanda really loved some of the works of Degas while Gabe is a Monet man. Impressionist art seems to be Gabe's cup of tea.

After exiting the National Gallery we made our way to the West End and purchased some tickets to see "Singing in the Rain" on Tuesday. Updates on that when we actually see it but it is safe to say that we are extremely excited!

We were going to spend a few minutes relaxing in a park in Soho but unfortunately a man, not pictured, (who was not shy about his intoxication or his feelings) proceeded to hit unabashedly on Gabe. We took a polite "thanks but no thanks" route and decided to call it a day. We made our way back towards the hostel where we stopped off for a few pints and some fish and chips. 

I (Amanda) don't think I have seen food disappear off a plate faster than it did during this meal.

We are constantly counting our blessings and feel fortunate for the time we get to spend here. This is only the beginning! Miss you at home, wish you were here!


  1. Hey Guys!!!!

    I am so glad you are having a great time! While reading through your blog(which is awesome btw!) There is construction outside my house and blaring Mexican music, which fits right in with all of the sites you are seeing in Londontown! Hehehehe

    Anyway, thought I'd share my happenings! Thanks for posting!

    1. Heidle! I miss you! We left a little unexpectedly so we never got to get together, which stinks. I know that im gonna be back in Mac around mid-august so we should meet up! I forget how good mexican is until I go somewhere where you can no longer find good mexican. Enjoy some for me. I will be thinking of you when we get to Greece (I marry the mother, I marry the daughter) :)
